Pick Your Favourite Inspiration Board for 2012

You know, friends, when I started this blog I was already a big fan of wedding blogs, and one of my absolute favourite things was inspiration boards. I didn’t start making them to compete with other bloggers who’d already mastered the form, but because of how much fun I had making them, and that has continued to be the case. Lucky for me, you guys seem to like them too. ;) It was a huge dream of mine to one day see one of my boards turned into an inspiration shoot, but before that day came, I got another amazing opportunity. Last year I teamed up with a new company called The Invitation Gallery to produce the SBB Collection – I loved that they represent several talented South African designers, allowing brides and grooms who couldn’t necessarily afford bespoke designs to still have access to gorgeous, contemporary designs beautifully printed on high quality paper. Each of the Invitation Gallery designers picked one of my boards and used it as a starting point for their collection, and I can’t tell you how exciting it was for me seeing them for the first time (and the second, and the third…).

Since then, I’ve been working with the collection on a series of inspiration shoots, and they have been just as lovely in the ‘flesh’ (in the paper?) as they were onscreen. You may have seen one of them in the current My Wedding Day magazine in SA (and you’ll be seeing more of it soon, as well as the others). I like to think there’s something in the SBB Collection for everyone – from beach weddings to rustic weddings, from classic to whimsical, and in all shades from aqua to purple to peach to blue.

But we like to keep things current, don’t we? So we thought it was about time that we updated the collection with a new design, and we’re asking you – my lovely readers – for your help. In a few weeks’ time, we’ll be asking one of the Invitation Gallery designers to create a collection based on your favourite inspiration board from 2012 and I’ll be working with that collection in a brand new shoot next year.

Here’s how it works: just head over to the SBB Facebook page and click on the album 2012 Inspiration Boards (or go there directly). Go through the boards and ‘like’ the ones you, well, like. The board with the biggest number of likes at the end of the year will go on to inspire the latest in the SBB Collection. It’s that simple. :) I can’t wait to see which one you pick!


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