Inspiration Board: A Preppy Romance

Happy Monday, folks! The inspiration board requests have been flooding in lately, and I’ve been having so much fun turning your ideas into collages. This week I’m featuring two reader request boards that couldn’t be more different (look out for the other on Friday afternoon), starting with this piece of East Coast summery goodness. Philani wrote to tell me about her colour scheme of ‘new leaf green’ (isn’t that the sweetest way of describing it?) and white with touches of bright blue (I’ve gone for a sort of royal blue here, but this could be lightened up as far as aqua if Philani prefers). She described her style as ‘plain but elegant, kind of less is more’, which together with her colour choice immediately made me think of preppy style. Think Jackie O. – simple elegance is what this whole look is about. Stripes are a key component, as are fabrics like cotton and grosgrain, and the look is surprisingly easy to put together, especially if Philani focuses on relatively clean tables with bright green flowers and punches of blue in the napkins or stationery. I adore these bridesmaids in tops and striped skirts, and groomsmen in bowties are a must! For the bride, a relaxed but formal dress – maybe a full skirt with pockets – would be ideal. Serve signature cocktails with striped paper straws on the lawn, and don’t forget lots of lovely ribbon! Hope you like your board, Philani!

Colours: Apple green, royal blue and white

Top row (l-r): Wedding party {P: Jacque Lynn Photography; D: Events by LMG}; green striped bowtie; blue shoes {P: Elizabeth Scott Photography}; escort cards in bed of limes {P: Mishelle Lamarand Photography; D: La Fete}
Row 2: Blue and green love story invitation {D: Hello Tenfold}; blue and green table arrangement {P: Studio 28 Photography; D: The Green Ribbon Party Planning Co.}; green paper straws; wedding dress with pockets {P: Crystal Genes Photography}
Row 3: Room decor {P: Sarah Rhoads Photographers; C: Party Resources}; cocktail sticks with ribbon {P: Love Life Images; D: Simply Chic Events}; green bouquet with blue ribbon {P: Studio 28 Photography; D: The Green Ribbon Party Planning Co.}; bridesmaid with green striped skirt and blue top {P: Jacque Lynn Photography; D: Events by LMG}; green striped cake {P: Mary Ellen Bartley; C: Bijoux Doux Specialty Cakes}


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