Pack your bags! It’s time for us to take another trip to the magical land of lovely wedding tables, with the second part of our Ten Tables special on travel-themed wedding tablescapes. Love it! As always, I’ve broken down some of my favourite tables from real weddings and styled shoots into their easy-to-make-your-own components. Along with DIYs and top tips. Because that’s just how we roll. If you’d like to see all the pretty tables from Part 1, you can find it right here.
Hideyho, lovelies – we’re taking ourselves off into theĀ long weekend with the latest in our series of beautiful tablescapes broken down into their easy-to-replicate components. So far, we’ve looked at both rustic and beach tables, but today is a little more themey, as we tackle some of the prettiest travel-themed weddings in town. Now I know I talk about travel themes a lot, but it’s such a popular way of expressing a love story – whether you’re a couple who have wanderlust, or you’re from different places, or you’re having a destination wedding, or have travelled a lot as part of a long-distance relationship. So I know you guys are always looking for fresh ideas in this department (see all our travel wedding posts here), whether it’s a full-on theme for you, or just a little touch. I started to notice that most of the ideas I saw (and featured) were one-offs, like escort cards and table plans, or favours. So I got to wondering, what’s a great way of decorating a travel-themed wedding table? Better yet, what are my top 10? A LOT of the tables I looked at were vintagey, but I’ve tried to bring together a mix of styles and ideas that you can mix and match or adapt to suit your own particular style. As always, you’ll find lots of tips, including DIYs wherever possible. Happy landings!
Welcome back to Part 2 of our rustic tables feature, lovelies! I had such a brilliant response to this new series last week from both readers and other bloggers, so we’ll definitely be continuing with it! Do you have any specific table styles to request? Let me know in the comments! Of course, rustic is a big favourite – it works in quite a few contexts and as you saw last week, can go from real down-home farm styling to elegant and a bit glam, depending on how you combine different elements. This time I’ve lined up the second half of my top ten favourite rustic tablescapes, and again broken them down into their elements to help you with your own wedding design. If you missed Part 1, you can catch it here.
We’re doing something new this afternoon, and it is all about tablescapes. As much as I love designing the overall look and feel of a wedding via inspiration board, one of the key questions whenever I’ve helped a friend plan her wedding has been “okay, but what exactly do we put on the tables?” You can see fantastic details and ideas in styled shoots and real weddings, but one of the things that I know brides always want to see in the pictures is how it all looks together, how you combine things, what that combination looks like. This new series sets out to help – not just by inspiring you with some of the most beautiful tables I have found, but in breaking these tablescapes down into their elements so you can start getting an idea of what those elements are and how they work together. Take one of these designs as it is and treat the breakdown as a shopping list, mix and match different bits of a few tables, or adapt to make them your own. You’ll be surprised as you go how many inexpensive elements you can include, or DIYs that can be done (I’ve given advice on both wherever possible). We’re kicking things off with the first five of my ten favourite rustic tables for all you brides dreaming of a farm or a barn or a forest wedding.