Okay, choosing my favourite flower would be like asking me to pick a favourite book or film. Too many I love. But tulips are definitely right up there. There’s just something about these blooms that’s so… elegant. Crisp, modern. Architectural, almost. But at the same time, they’re soft and romantic. Which basically describes today’s wedding to a tee – so it’s no wonder that tulips played a big role in Suzanne and Simon’s wedding design. I absolutely ADORE their clean, sophisticated wedding style in white and soft neutrals, with twinkle lights and naked bulbs for warmth, and a few raw, rustic elements for charm. I especially love the bower created for their main table, and OMG Suzanne’s dress is amazing! You all are going to looooove this one! Talented photographer Claire Thomson took these gorgeous images.Read More
Tag: Val de Vie
Real Wedding at Val de Vie Estate {Lee & Garth}
You know what one of my favourite things about being a South African in London is? It’s that when I say “ja”, people think I’m posh. Because actual posh people say ja here (or, actually, yah, but it sounds the same to a Londoner apparently). I mean, you can be from the back of beyond in SA, and you can make an impression in one of the most class-driven nations in the world. That’s hilarious. The reason I bring it up, though, is that today’s wedding takes place on a polo estate, so we are totes talking likeĀ Made in Chelsea, yah? OhEmGee, and wait till you see the gorgeous grounds of Val de Vie, which I have been dying to showcase since, like, forever. I love that they offer the unique twist of a polo display to a wedding. Definitely more Kate Middleton’s wardrobe (classy and fabulous) than Harry’s night in Vegas (awkward). And I think Kate would be proud of today’s bride, who’s as graceful and beautiful in her stunning dress and headpiece as any princess. She and husband Garth enjoyed the culmination to their own fairytale romance, and Warren Williams was there to take lovely pictures on the day.Read More